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Дачный интерьер — 100 новых фото-идей для вдохновения

В городской квартире скапливаются старые, ненужные вещи. Выбросить их, порой, бывает очень жалко, вот мы и тащим все это на дачу с мыслями, что когда-нибудь они пригодятся. Конечно, можно из дачи устроить хранилище, но для тех вещей, которые вам действительно поистине дороги. А от барахла, все-таки, стоит избавиться.

Дачный интерьер

Дачный интерьер — микс из разнообразных стилей

Интерьер дачи должен быть по-домашнему уютным и теплым. Так же как и в квартире, дачный дом нужно разделить на зоны: рабочую, для отдыха, гостиную, столовую. Так как дачный дом максимально приближен к природе, то для него очень хорошо подойдет такой стиль – кантри (деревенский стиль). Для его создания используются только натуральные материалы: полы выстланы из досок. Их можно оставить в первозданном виде, но такие полы сложнее мыть, чем крашеные или покрытые лаком. Лак можно подобрать прозрачный и тогда текстура натурального дерева сохранится.

Профессиональные дизайнеры рекомендуют смешивать стили, так как вкусы у членов одной семьи могут быть разными. Можно оформить интерьер на даче в классическом стиле, с небольшими «вкраплениями» ретро . Например, используйте мебель, плетенную из лозы, абажуры, декорированные натуральными тканями. Добавьте яркие детали в стиле кантри: диванные подушки, скатерти и накидки. С помощью таких аксессуаров можно легко менять интерьер под свое настроение.

Для дачного интерьера можно использовать элементы американского стиля. Он достаточно прост. Американский стиль не предполагает  дорогих материалов, однако само дизайнерское решение выглядит роскошно и богато. Строится такой интерьер на использовании цветовых сочетаний и контрастов. Так, например, удачно могут вписаться архитектурные формы, такие как ниши, арки, уступы. В таком интерьере не должно быть острых углов, все они должны быть сглажены. Лучший вариант для освещения — настенное и настольное.

Дачный интерьер

Материалы для дачного интерьера

Как бы не хотелось — выбирайте натуральные материалы, откажитесь от пластика. Неужели вам не хочется сделать интерьер по-истине деревенским, уютным, на одной волне с природой?

  • Создавая дачный интерьер, стены можно покрыть древесными материалами, а можно комбинировать материалы, используя для отделки некоторых участков стен декоративным кирпичом или декоративным камнем. Интерьер в стиле кантри выполняется в нарядных, светлых цветах и оттенках. Идеальное решение  — цвет янтаря, чая, персика, салатный цвет.
  • Освещение на даче, сделайте мягким, приятным для глаз, лампы с рассеивающими абажурами, матовые плафоны позволят добиться желаемого эффекта. Хорошо освещена должна быть рабочая зона.
  • Ткани, используемые в деревенском интерьере, должны быть из натуральных тканей с мелким рисунком. Рисунок может быть цветочной тематики, а можно выбрать ткани в мелкий горошек. Окна со шторами из такой ткани будут смотреться нарядно, просто и  в то же время оригинально.

Дачный интерьер

Мебель для дачи

Чтобы создать уютный дачный интерьер, лучше всего выбрать мебель из натуральной древесины. Хорошо будут смотреться элементы, сплетенные из лозы. Выбирайте мебель с простыми формами. Она, непременно, должна быть уютной и удобной. Для хранения вещей можно использовать не только шкафы, но и комоды с сундуками. Блестящие поверхности, пластик и стекло не характерны для стиля кантри.

Очень удачно будет смотреться  дачный интерьер с камином.

Дополните декор различными милыми предметами. Расставьте вазы, накройте стол льняной скатертью, украсьте стены небольшими картинами с деревенскими мотивами, мягкую мебель можно накрыть уютными пледами —  все это сделает помещение более комфортным.

Дачный интерьер

А у вас какой интерьер на даче? Фото

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90000 Ideas for a cottage and garden with their own hands — a collection of 18 | With Your Hands 90001 90002 90003 90004 Plot before design and change of design 90005 90002 The area requiring transformation is located on the north side of the house and remains in the shadow for four hours a day. Only old trees and shrubs that have lost their shine and beauty are planted on the site. The owners would like to arrange here a cozy terrace for summer leisure with family and friends. 90003 90004 GARDEN OR GARDEN IDEA # 1: TERRACE WITH «FIRE» TEMPERAMENT 90005 90002 90003 90002 In the new project, the designers have clearly zoned the area around the house and designed it in a laconic modern style.90003 90002 When choosing colors, they bet on red and white tones — they perfectly complement each other and look festive bright against the background of green leaves and lawn. As the owners wanted, the large terrace covered with boards became the «heart» of the transformed territory. 90003 90002 For its arrangement, the designers used stylish furniture in red and gray colors, as well as two white floor lamps — they make the atmosphere home-like cozy and discreetly illuminate the recreation area in the evening hours.90003 90002 At the four corners of the terrace planted cherries ‘Globosa’ with thick spherical crowns — they visually add volume to the garden and also separate the wooden platform from the adjacent lawn. From two sides, the main place of leisure is framed by two narrow strips of a flower bed, another one with an accent in the form of a cherry at the very end stretches along a low retaining wall parallel to the house. In flower beds adorn hosts ‘Invincible’, starfish lanceolate and sedge long-leaved.90003 90002 Among the representatives of the flora, who divided the rest of the territory among themselves, there is a mountaineous mountaineer ‘Blackfield’ of a meter height and with numerous dark red inflorescences that, like torches, illuminate the site from July to September. 90003 90002 In the continuation of the «fiery» theme, next to the platform, right on the lawn, the designers put an orange patina fire pit. If desired, under it you can make a small gravel pad or pave with stone blocks.The strip of land along the wall of the house was also not deprived of attention. Here they planted fuchsia, hosts, Volzhanka dioecious and put a sprawling enset swollen, or a decorative banana, in a pot, which added a bit of charm to the tropics to the design. A couple of dark red wicker chairs and beckoning, promising complete comfort and leisurely admiring the beauty of the garden. 90003 90002 90003 90002 Starfish lanceolate is a ground-cover herbaceous perennial that blooms from late May to July.The plant is made unpretentiously and does not need shelter for the winter. 90003 90002 Fuchsia belongs to the heat-loving plants, so it should spend the winter in a non-frozen room. For the summer, it can be taken out into the garden and left in a pot or planted in open ground and transplanted into a container again in the fall until cold. 90003 90002 Sedge — decorative grass with a picturesque «appearance.» For a dimly lit area, a shade sedge is great, which does not grow and is particularly enduring.90003 90032 90002 See also: Ideas for giving and garden with own hands — 17 90003 90032 90004 GARDEN OR GARDEN IDEA # 2: THE KINGDOM OF HARMONY OF THREE ELEMENTS 90005 90002 90003 90002 In the second sentence, the designers also placed a paved terrace in the very center. Above it stands a simple pergola, covered with a gray azure. On three sides, the resting place is bordered by narrow reservoirs of concrete (1 m wide and 20 cm deep), turning the territory into a certain peninsula. Flooring made of white concrete slabs (80 x 80 cm) brightens the terrace, which is especially important given that this half-day zone is in the shade.90003 90002 A thin, fluttering from the slightest breeze blowing curtains give the design lightness and lightness. For arranging the leisure corner, the designers chose wicker furniture with white cushions that make up a single ensemble with flooring and curtains. In turn, two sofas and a table in color echo the wooden bridge connecting the resting place with the garden. 90003 90002 A strip of lawn along the house is colored with purple and purple clematis, which are planted in boxes with trellis.90003 90002 Also, the brightness of the project add a narrow flower beds along a low retaining wall that stretches parallel to the house. Landings are divided into two tiers, so they look more volumetric and impressive. 90003 90002 In the spring there are flowers and bermudo. At the peak of summer, Astilbe Arends, knotty geranium, muscari lyriope, Pretty Lady Susan anemone, and a large begonia appear in all its glory, and it is constantly rejoicing the eye with new buds until October. 90003 90002 The motley floral company is diluted with elegant polysperities, woodruff and bergenia with large decorative leaves.90003 90002 90003 90002 1. Kalina Berkwood is a winter-green shrub up to 2 meters in height. Suitable for the southern regions, for the northern ones it goes better to the three-bladed (V. trilobum). 90003 90002 2. A mnogoryadnik spiky with leathery hibernating leaves is winter hardiness and vitality. 90003 90002 3. Knotty geranium tolerates drought and shading. It belongs to ground cover plants, blooms from June to September. 90003 90002 The steps bloom pink Hopean anemone, purple muscari lyriope and knotted geranium.Large leaves belong to Badan. Shrub near and in the background — Viburnum Berkwood. 90003 90032 90002 Reference by topic: Ideas for giving and garden with own hands — 16 90003 90032 90002 Liriope Muscari is a herbaceous perennial 20-40 height cm, which looks best in groups of several copies. The plant prefers penumbra or shade and soil rich in humus. Blooms brightly in August and September. 90003 90068 90069 TOOLS FOR MASTERS AND MASTERS, AND HOME GOODS ARE VERY CHEAP. FREE SHIPPING.THERE ARE REVIEWS. 90070 90071 90072 Below other entries on the topic «How to make your own hands — a householder!» 90073 90074 How to decorate a cottage — ideas and photos DOMESTIC FANTASIES ON SIX CELLS BIG … 90075 90074 The dacha decor of old instruments is cute and funny How to decorate a dacha with the help of … 90075 90074 Ideas for giving and garden with own hands — 20 IDEAS FOR CONVERSION AND DESIGN … 90075 90074 Do-it-yourself house and cottage: folk tips and useful ideas — collection 123 HELPFUL PEOPLE’S TIPS FOR HOME… 90075 90074 50 do-it-yourself kitchen ideas — Photo: COLLECTION No. 3 50 kitchen ideas with … 90075 90074 Do-it-yourself door stop RESTRICTOR FOR DOOR HANDLE In summer, the door … 90075 90074 50 do-it-yourself kitchen ideas — part of 2 IDEAS FOR KITCHEN BY OUR HANDS Good … 90032 90088 Subscribe to updates in our groups and share. 90073 90088 Let’s be friends! 90073 90075.90000 Garden furniture from handy tools with your own hands (photo + drawings) | With Your Hands 90001 90002 90003 We create garden furniture from old boards and stumps 90004 90005 90002 90003 Galina Yaroslavtseva, the Penza region. 90004 90005 90002 Last year, at the beginning of the summer, we decided to equip a recreation area and do our own cheap garden furniture for it. Started with a large table. As a basis, several old car tires were used, which were preliminarily cleared of dirt and dust.The table cover was made from the remaining boards after the repair. To protect against moisture obtyanuli their dense film. 90005 90002 On the table were laid fresh wooden slices, and on top of them were put pots with flowering plants. After trying on whether the table is suitable for height, we decided to add another automobile tire to the base, fixing this hill with vertical wooden boards. Painted tires and boards in pleasant shades of green, blue and pink. 90005 90002 Then they set to work on a bench.90005 90002 Make it was easy — from two hemp and two old wooden boards. Next to the bench were four fresh wooden slices in the form of a pyramid, and on top — a flower pot. It turned out bright and beautiful! Next to the table, two more stumps were placed — they play the role of garden stools. 90005 90002 And in mid-August red apples fall from the trees directly on the table. as if nature itself decided to become our assistant decorator. 90005 90002 90005 90022 90002 See also: Garden furniture and handicrafts from pallets (euro pallets) with their own hands 90005 90022 90026 90027 Available garden furniture with your own hands 90028 90029 90002 With the advent of spring, summer residents are rushing to their favorite garden plots.It is time to equip the house and garden. Very often, wooden pallets (pallets) are used for handicrafts, which previously served for the transport of goods and for a long time were gathering dust in the country barn. From them create a variety of tables, chairs, chairs, beds, sofas, flooring for the site, thanks to which rest on the nature will be pleasant and comfortable (Figure 1,2). 90005 90002 A few words about the pallets themselves: their dimensions — 1200x800x78 mm. If necessary, double-layered pallet construction can be sawn and use separate elements for the device racks, backrests, bedside tables, etc.For the creation of furniture can serve not only new samples of pallets, but also very old. In this case, do not forget about the careful processing and disinfection of former samples, especially for beds, sofas and children’s furniture. 90005 90002 A good addition to the landscape design of the site can be a quadrangular low table or a relaxation deck (figure 1), each of which is based on truncated (trimmed) pallets 400 × 800 mm. 90005 90002 In the center of the support, a through hole can be made, into which the umbrella leg can easily be inserted.Lounger is assembled from two pallets (the first one is 1200 × 800 mm, the second one is 800 × 800 mm), connected by metal plates. The headboard is equipped with a single pallet, which is also one of the three pillars of the lounger. Bright soft mattress will add convenience to rest in the garden, and varnish coating will protect the wooden parts from the weather. 90005 90002 To produce double settee (Fig. 2) require two full pallets (1200 × 800 mm), the two halves (1200 × 400 mm) and two small pallets (800 × 800 mm), which will be used for the backrest device and faces the couch.For the decorative back wall, you can take another full pallet by placing it vertically. To it, drawers-kashpo with flowers and other plants are attached. 90005 90002 As a connecting element between the two seats a table is made, made of boards of pallets connected in a single plane (800 × 800 mm). 90005 90022 90002 See also: Palette furniture with own hands — ideas and options 90005 90022 90046 Options for homemade garden furniture — drawings 90029 90002 90005 90046 Bench for giving by own hands — video 90029 90002 © Author: G.Yaroslavtseva, A.Strashnov 90005 90054 90055 TOOLS FOR MASTERS AND MASTERS, AND HOME GOODS ARE VERY CHEAP. FREE SHIPPING. THERE ARE REVIEWS. 90056 90057 90058 Below other entries on the topic «How to make your own hands — a householder!» 90059 90060 Black-and-white design for furniture by own hands Black white furniture with own hands … 90061 90060 Palette furniture with own hands — ideas and options Ideas for furniture from pallets Furniture from… 90061 90060 Cross for the tree with your own hands — photo How to make a cross for a Christmas tree If … 90061 90060 Stand for fishing rods made of polypropylene pipes do it yourself Stand for fishing rods on the boat … 90061 90060 How to make a thread of plastic bottles with your own hands The thread from old bottles is … 90061 90060 Chair in patchwork style with own hands (master class) How to make a chair in style … 90061 90060 The entrance from the old chiffonier with your own hands How to make a set of furniture for… 90022 90074 Subscribe to updates in our groups and share. 90059 90074 Let’s be friends! 90059 90061.90000 The Art and Science of Keeping House by Cheryl Mendelson 90001 «Each day I long for home / long for the sight of home.» -The Odyssey. 90002 The entire home industry, in its maneuver to sell us household goods by selling the promise of home itself, is some kind of Kincadian nightmare. * Despite peddling keys at a relentless pace ( «How about this Hot Chocolate Pot? No? Never mind then; how about this cute little cabin of maple syrup? «), it will never unlock the glowing house full of loving people and hot food.»It comes down to the product versus the promise. It’s no 90003» Each day I long for home / long for the sight of home. «-The Odyssey. 90002 The entire home industry, in its maneuver to sell us household goods by selling the promise of home itself, is some kind of Kincadian nightmare. * Despite peddling keys at a relentless pace ( «How about this Hot Chocolate Pot? No? Never mind then; how about this cute little cabin of maple syrup?»), it will never unlock the glowing house full of loving people and hot food.»It comes down to the product versus the promise. It’s not … the new pots and pans but the idea of ​​the cozy family meals they will provide. People are finding that their homes are full of stuff, but their lives are littered with empty promises. » -Peter Walsh. 90003 90002 This book is about how a home is really created: by its continuous activity, its own rhythms and routines. «Housework done in the seven basic areas outlined in this book is the source of most of the good things that make a place homelike -fresh sheets, good meals, airy, clean, orderly rooms, and so forth.But other things also affect the tone of the home. … It is a cliche, but true, that a room that looks lived in looks more homey. This implies not that you should be less neat but that you should actually live in your rooms. When you talk, read and write, play music or games, or sew, you leave traces of this in the room. These traces then invite people not simply to look but also to be engaged. It makes them feel as though the room exists for people, to live in and do things in. Faked signs of life make the room feel desolate and lonely.Signs of real life make the room feel comforting and warm. «(P.28-29) 90003 90002 She also notes that it is easier to make a small home feel homey than a large home. That makes sense when you consider that the more space you have, the harder it is to live in all of it. Large houses with multiple living rooms and dining rooms still tend only to use one of each; the superfluous rooms become well-preserved displays (or junk drawers). On the other end of the spectrum, a lived in room literally loses its warmth when it becomes a neglected mess; when I leave the laundry out to dry for days, it stops being cozy and takes on the cold feel of a crime scene.90003 90002 She stresses that «it’s about how a home works, not how it looks.» (P.4) «Making a home attractive helps you feel at home, but not nearly so much as most of us seem to think, if you gauge by the amounts of money we spend on home furnishings [and interior decorating]. In fact , too much attention to the looks of the home can backfire if it creates a stage-set feeling instead of the authenticity of a genuinely homey place. And going in for nostalgic pastimes -canning, potting, sewing, making Christmas wreaths, painting china, decorating cookies- will not work either.I count myself among those who find these things fun to do, but I know from experience that you can not make a home by imitating the household chores and crafts of a past era. Ironically, people are led into the error of playing house instead of keeping house by a genuine desire for a home and its comforts. 90011 Nostalgia 90012 means, literally, ‘homesickness.’ «(P.7) 90003 90002 If you are among the» far too many people who long for a home even though they seem to have one, «you should give this book a look .(P.8) 90003 90002 * http: //artfiles.art.com/images / — / Thom … 90003 90002 One Last Note: 90019 Many reviewers on Amazon scoff at this book, denouncing its anal retentive standards. Yes, she tells you how to clean anything you can think of, but nowhere does she say you have to do everything she explains. In fact, she says very plainly that the necessary level of housekeeping is simply «the lowest level at which health and safety can be preserved and enough comfort and order maintained to ensure that people want to spend time at home, feel restored there, and do not have that haggard feeling of homelessness that travelers sometimes have even when they are perfectly well housed.»(P. 13) She also states that» the housekeepers who have done the most to give housekeeping a bad name are those who are compulsive about it. Compulsive housekeepers clean houses that are already spotless. They arrange their shoes along the color spectrum in a straight line and suffer anxiety if the towels on the shelf do not all face the same way. They expend enormous effort on what they think of as housekeeping, but their homes often are not welcoming. Who can feel at home in a place where the demand for order is so exaggerated? In housekeeping, more is not always better.Order and cleanliness should not cost more than the value they bring in healthy, efficiency, and convenience. «(P.11) She goes on to say 90020» I have deliberately offered more detail than you may really need. 90021 My spring cleaning list, for example, is so inclusive that my mother (a most thorough spring cleaner) objected to it. But let me assure you, as I tried to assure her, that 90020 I am not recommending that you do every task on the list or else move into a hotel 90021. The list is intended to be inspirational and suggestive, so as to help beginners survey what would be useful in their own homes and avoid overlooking anything potentially important to them.»(P.17-18) 90003.90000 Russian Dacha as a Cultural Phenomenon 90001 90002 The word «dacha» comes from a verb — «dat ‘» — to give and the noun «dar» — gift. Since many years, receiving a plot of land for personal usage was a great and very much appreciated gift — whether it came from Tsar government or Soviet government. But the way people used that land did differ much in different times. One can not fully understand Russia without understanding the cultural context behind Russian dacha. 90003 90004 Dacha — Before the Revolution of 1917 90005 90002 At the tea table, by K.Korovin, 1888 90003 90002 First dachas in Russia appeared in the beginning of 18th century under Peter the Great. He wanted his subordinates to stay close to him even on vacations, so he granted them plots of land near St’Petersburg. These plots of land were strategically positioned on the way to Peterhof, Tsar’s residence, so he could always stop and see how his people are spending their free time. 90003 90002 In 1803 the famous Russian historian Karamzin wrote that in Summer Moscow gets empty, since people go to dachas.And by the mid 19th century, dachas became a favorite place to rest and to have fun for all aristocrats, who could afford such a pastime. Dachas were often simple wooden houses, but always had a terrace, where the inhabitants could dine, drink tea and entertain in the long summer evenings. Not all people owned dachas, some did rent them for summer and usually traveled to dacha together with an entire family and servants. Read Anton Chekhov if you want to learn more about dacha stories of that time! 90003 90004 Dacha — Soviet time 90005 90002 First sanatorium for agricultural workers in the World, Livadia, Crimea, 1931 90003 90002 October Revolution of 1917 brought with it a law, which forbid private ownership of land in Russia «forever».The idea behind it was that all citizens of the country will be able to use all the country resources, all people will be equal and none would be able to exploit other people or be more rich than they are. The new Soviet Republic values ​​were mainly collectivistic. And instead of individually owned dachas, general population got access to group recreational facilities such as sanatoriums. A popular Soviet phrase was: «All around me belongs to the people, all around me belongs to me». 90003 90002 There was however another saying — «everybody is equal, but some are more equal than others».Josef Stalin, who ruled the country from тисяча дев’ятсот двадцять чотири till 1953 was fond of a good countryside recreation himself. He had many dachas in the most picturesque parts of Russia — from Moscow region to the Black Sea. These were huge mansions, fully staffed and ready to welcome him any time he decides to show up. 90003 90002 Old dacha at the «writer’s village» 90003 90002 Stalin figured that granting such privilege as summer dacha to his closest people in the government and to the VIP people from culture and science élite will be very motivating for them.These dachas did not belong to their inhabitants, furniture and lamps had itinerary numbers on them, but these dachas were a big luxury and getting one was considered to be a huge privilege. To simplify things — dachas were grouped by the occupation — that is how we still have «villages» of writers, composers, artists, scientists etc. At that time all dachas were a place to rest, fish, collect berries and mushrooms, play sports and entertain with friends. 90003 90002 Growing produce at dacha 90003 90002 After the WW II, limited food resources in the country forced government to allow people to get plots of land and support families by growing veggies there.However, building a house on that plot was strictly forbidden. In the 60s, during Nikita Khrushchev’s time at power — ordinary people were finally allowed to get dachas. But it was so not easy to get one. Distribution was merit-based, one needed to fully comply with the ideology and wait in a long line, sometimes for many years. 90003 90002 «Dacha village» was different from a regular village. Small plots of land, high density of houses 90003 90002 These dachas were not as luxurious — it was usually just a tiny plot of land with a permission to build a small one-floor house there.Inhabitants still did not own it, but could use it for growing produce strictly for family consumption (not for sale). Still, people felt as if it was their own land, so getting a dacha became one the dreams of Soviet people, in the same line as getting an apartment or a car. There were many manipulations — how to get dacha quicker. In Russia law and rules were always particularistic, so if you knew somebody, you could get to the desired dacha much quicker. 90003 90002 Building a house was not easy as well.There was a deficit of construction materials. It is difficult to imagine that now, but one could not just go to a store and buy wood or bricks or anything else, one needed to «get» the needed materials somehow through his network of contacts or pay triple at the black market. 90003 90002 Preserves for winter 90003 90002 This was the time when the function of dacha started to morph — it became a place of hard work in the field rather than a place to rest and entertain. That function of dacha came in very handy in the turbulent times of the 90s, when food was scarce in the stores and people really supported their families by growing potatoes, cucumbers, fresh produce, berries and apples at their land.A lot of home-grown produce was conserved for winter in either pickled or salted form or as home-made jams. 90003 90002 Dacha, by V. Gubarev — a jocular way to portrait «soviet dacha» phenomena 90003 90004 Dacha — Modern Time 90005 90002 In the 90s was finally allowed to own property. That is another big and interesting story, but the outcome was that people started to buy dachas if they had money. Or, if they already had dachas, they could privatize them, officially making them the owned properties.Restrictions on the size of the land or number of floors in the house were also lifted. Finally, you could do whatever you want at your own land. Curious what happened next? 90003 90002 Typical dacha of a rich person in the 90s — red brick house, which is hidden behind a high red brick fence 90003 90002 People, who were always deprived of such array of choices started to experiment. Rich «New Russians» immediately started to build huge mansions at their small plots of land. A lot of these houses lacked taste or style.Generations of local people had not seen beautiful country houses and commercial industry in this area was not developed yet. Tradition of building wooden houses was replaced by building brick or stone ones. Dachas used to be just summer houses, but now many people started to build all year round houses. 90003 90002 Now, finally, the industry works as well as in any other country and if you want to build a beautiful house of any style — it will be built for you. But it will be pricey. As with any commercial goods and services in Russia — from clothes to manicures, you pay premium for good stuff! 90003 90002 Many typical dachas still have more land devoted to growing produce than to the rest area 90003 90002 So, how do people spend time at dachas now? That does vary.A lot of people still work all day, growing potatoes, cucumbers, strawberries etc. The majority of these people have full-time jobs in the city, they are not agricultural workers, but every Friday evening they leave the city to have a weekend of really hard work in the field. Needless to say — they have to cope with huge traffic jams on the way to dacha and back. Sometimes getting to a dacha which is 50-100 km from the city can take 3-4 hours. It is not possible to give a rational explanation of why they still continue growing potatoes, although they can easily buy them in any store.Economically it does not make sense, but people are irrational. For some growing produce is a habit, some (mostly older people) enjoy to cultivate land with their own hands, some like the idea of ​​organic produce or say that potatoes, grown in your own garden just taste better. 90003 90002 Another phenomena, which we, locals, call «Balcony, dacha, garbage can». It is a story of frugality, caused by deficit of things in stores during Soviet times and scarcity of storage areas in urban apartments.Russians do not like to throw things away, even if they do not need some things — they still keep them. This stuff first lands at the balcony, then moves to dacha and only if it is really old or completely broken, ends up in garbage. As a result of that, a lot of people wear old clothes at dacha. And the majority have stacks of old clothes at dachas even though there is no shortage of clothes in store any more. 90003 90002 Still, many people do think of dacha as place to have fun. These people mow their lawns and plant flowers, so they still have to do their share of field work to make their dacha look presentable.But instead of spending all time in the garden, they invite friends and entertain them, grill meat, eat strawberries sitting in gazebos, play sports and enjoy other recreational activities. Hopefully this will become a mass trend and more people will enjoy resting at dacha rather than working there! 90003 90002 Some pleasures at Dacha include: 90003 90002 This slideshow requires JavaScript. 90003 90002 I wish we return to Chekhov’s times and will see Russian Vogue publishing dacha’s couture section each summer.My ideal dacha is a place where people wear beautiful dresses, eat strawberries sitting in reclining chairs, while reading a book during the day and entertain friends in the evening! I want us to play charades or music, engage in sports, long walks at the picturesque areas, collect berries and mushrooms in the forest just for fun and enjoy all that! And I wish the problem of traffic to be solved somehow! That would be an «ideal dacha»! 90003 90002 90065 90066 Related 90067 90068 90003.

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